Akkoub or Gundelia in Latin is a wild, edible, perennial plant from the...
September 11, 2018 by soukeltayeb
Akkoub or Gundelia in Latin is a wild, edible, perennial plant from the thistle family that grows in the mountains of Lebanon. It is collected during April/May and can only be found where the terrain and altitude are suitable for its growth. In early May of last year, @therecipehunters ventured to Ramliyeh, a village in #MountLebanon. There, they learned from Rima Massoud and her husband Massoud Massoud how to identify and forage the wild akkoub!
The heartiest and tastiest part of that plant are the akkoub buds. We call them "Bayd"
Let's share some facts!
🌿It is extremely tedious (and slightly hazardous to your hands) to remove all of the spines and spiky leaves. .
🍃On this particular occasion it took about 2.5 hours to remove all of the spines and spikey leaves. .
🌾Akkoub cleaning is usually a communal activity where friends, family, and neighbors often gather together chatting as they clean. .
🌱The heritage of this plant can only be preserved if people are willing to spend the time foraging and cleaning it. The whole process is really beyond something money can buy, it is deeply engrained into the culture of where it grows
by soukeltayeb / Instagram