March 19, 2019 by jihad.asmar
Alone but yet powerful!!!🤓🤓 .............................................................................
Here you go above One of the most amazing locations I ever visited in my Country Lebanon. This capture was taken last year where I have made lots of planning for 2019 and made perfect references and contacts in the area knowing that it is a remote one!!
It was a great sunset conditions where I was scouting the area and did a test shot. When I zoomed the photographs to check the focus, This tree pop up and attracted me. So i was limited on time to be able to capture it with sunset but still, I took this option and started to walk/ jog until I reached the desired frame. It was a little bit late but even, colors in the sky was awesome. Here you go what my hercules @nikonmea D850 mounted on the beast @benrousa gave me aa the results which I really enjoyed and I hope you will like it also and as usual, all Negative/positive comment is highly appreciated!! 😊😊
Enjoy the shot, the mood, the view, the colors, the sunset, the spot, life and have a perfect Tuesday!
And as usual, whenever you have time feel free to check my website for new posts:
by jihad.asmar / Instagram