As I was getting ready to soak my precious saffron in water I remembered... (Beqaa Valley) May 15, 2017 by taste.of.beirut As I was getting ready to soak my precious saffron in water I remembered Yasmina's advice: Soak the night before in warm water and don't dump it in your boiling stew! This will burn the delicate pistils and turn them bitter-tasting. Yasmina founded an organic first-rate saffron-growing business in Lebanon, already acclaimed by starred chefs in Europe. @safranduliban #saffron #themostexpensivespiceintheworld #lebanon🇱🇧 #madeinlebanon #homegrown #healthyfood #antioxidants #naturalmedicine #yummy #lebanese #spice #laborintensive #tea #infusion #organicfood #worldfood by taste.of.beirut / Instagram