Campers at the beach is to date the biggest Camp event made in Lebanon... (Seascape Batroun) July 10, 2018 by nico0o0o0o0 Campers at the beach is to date the biggest Camp event made in Lebanon with a record of 244 tents🏖🏕! @the.campers have stepped in😈! . . Photo by: @francismerheb . . Special thanks to: @sportsexpertslebanon @jayspallets @maison_tartine @fitnomzz @killmyroutine @atmosportleb @mightybites @hikemen @peacelocks.d @reetsofficial @sunlitbeirut @thepawsofficial @lebaneseexplorers @seascapebatroun @enauvate , DJ @ramihitti1 and @the.campers team🙌🏼 . . #camping #campcamp #campinglife #camper #campers #camping⛺️ #campingvibes #lebanon #batroun #livelovebatroun #livelovebeirut #beirut #beachlife #beach #summer2018 #livelovesports by nico0o0o0o0 / Instagram