Chicken Roti with Rice And Keshek Zehlewe for Lunch today. Give us a call ☎ (Em's cuisine) December 04, 2017 by emscuisineofficial Chicken Roti with Rice And Keshek Zehlewe for Lunch today. Give us a call ☎️ 03 25 13 19 (Whatsapp available) or order online @onlivery or Join us at Em's Garden. #dailyfood #dailydish #platdujour #madewithlove #madewithpassion #homemade #chicken #instafood #foodgram #foodporn #foodlovers #whatsuplebanon #livelovefood #livelovelebanon #yourlebanon #lebanonspotlights #lebanoninapicture #homestyle #jaleldib #emscuisineofficial by emscuisineofficial / Instagram