Lebanon in a Picture

🏆COMPETITION TIME PART II 🏆The folks over at @italiafilm.me were so...

May 18, 2018 by had.solo
🏆COMPETITION TIME PART II 🏆The folks over at @italiafilm.me were so... 🏆COMPETITION TIME PART II 🏆 The folks over at @italiafilm.me were so nice that they even gave me MORE tickets to give away for the SOLO: A Star Wars Story in @cinemacitysouks on Tuesday May 22nd at 10 PM! I mean @had.solo giving out tickets to a film about Han Solo sounds about right! All you've gotta do is follow all the accounts mentioned and tag your Chewie (your plus one)! Good luck everyone! Increase you chances of winning by commenting on both posts! #solo #soloastarwarsstory #starwars#hansolo #chewie #chewbacca#avantpremiere #film #movie #lebanon
by had.solo / Instagram