Education is the only weapon that can protect and save a nation, yet World... (Grand Serail)
January 19, 2019 by dr.roula.farah
Education is the only weapon that can protect and save a nation, yet World Bank statistics for the MENA region are scary.
62% of women and 47% of men in Iraq are illiterate, 12% of women in Lebanon and 6% of men are also illiterate, and although primary enrollement rates in schools are lower for girls, boys drop-out rates are 3 times higher and there are more girls than boys achieving secondary and tertiary education yet labor force participation in Lebanon is much lower for women than men ( 23% vs. 71%).
Stay tuned for an amazing project happening between #chanceassociation and our minister of education H.E. Mr Marwan Hmede... #worldbank#grandserail #mashreqconference#womeneconomicempowerment#NGOs#governments#ministers#ministerofeducation#MENAregion#lebanon#education#economy#organizations#chanceassociation#IFC#internationalfinancecorporation#beirut#lebanon#transformingeconomies
by dr.roula.farah / Instagram