Em's hosting a singles party Feb 10th at 9PM. "MEET & MINGLE." Save the... (Em's cuisine) January 23, 2018 by emscuisineofficial Em's hosting a singles party Feb 10th at 9PM. "MEET & MINGLE." Save the date! Join us in celebrating Singlehood hoping you have a chance to meet your match. Live Entertainment, Mingling Games, Beat the heart Piñata, a Kinky menu and Special Drinks. 20$ Minimum charge + a complimentary drink. Reservation is a must. For info give us a call ☎️ 03 25 13 19 (Whatsapp Available) #event #entertainment #music #games #mingle #singles #party #anti #valentines #valentinesday #whatsuplebanon #lebanonspotlights #lebanoninapicture #yourlebanon #meetlebanon #livelovelebanon #livelovemusic #livelovelaugh #livelovefood #homestyle #feelslikehome #jaleldib #emscuisineofficial for more info check out Facebook event link https://www.facebook.com/events/187319725198889/?ti=icl by emscuisineofficial / Instagram