Fried Garlic Eggplant🌸Ingredients🌸1 large eggplant2 cups of flour2... (Greater Montreal) April 12, 2018 by thecookette Fried Garlic Eggplant🌸 Ingredients🌸 1 large eggplant 2 cups of flour 2 cups of frying oil 3 garlic cloves Juice of 2 lemons Method🌸 -Peel and slice the eggplant into 1cm thick circles -Salt generously on both sides and leave aside for 10 minutes -Coat both sides with flour -In a frying pan and on a medium to high heat, fry the eggplant pieces in the oil -Meanwhile, mash the garlic and mix with lemon juice and some salt -Place on a plate and drizzle the lemon garlic sauce on each piece Bon appetit🌸 #thecookette #montreal #canada #lebanese #lebanon #foodie #foodblogger #foodphotography #photography #delicious #like #share #follow #foodblogs #foodielife #eat #eats #laval #food #eggplant #appetizers #appetizer #mezza #mezze #dinner #مقبلات #اكلات #مطبخ by thecookette / Instagram