Happiness comes from within, never expect a lot from outside... How about... (Beirut, Lebanon)
October 17, 2018 by dr.roula.farah
Happiness comes from within, never expect a lot from outside... How about happiness at work? With colleagues? Co-workers? Employees? What do the world experts say? Full house and amazing discussions organized by #ihavelearnedacademy. Proud of @randafarah for bringing to lebanese experts working in various fields this important human dimension in the workplace and this sense of self-development that is much needed for anybody in Lebanon working in any field... #happinessatwork#happinessatworkconference#lebanon#education#gotheextrastep #selfdevelopment#neverstoplearning@ihavelearnedacademy @lebtivity #keepgoingforward#improveyourskills@chanceassociation
by dr.roula.farah / Instagram