Meet graduate History student Megan Tribble @toesesrroses, hailing from...
June 14, 2019 by aub_lebanon
Meet graduate #History student Megan Tribble @toesesrroses, hailing from Virginia.
Megan values #enthusiasm, #wholeheartedness, and #flexibility of the mind. “If you are not going to go do something enthusiastically, then why bother? Who wants a teacher that couldn’t care less? Who needs a doctor that haphazardly treats patients, or an author that doesn’t put their whole heart into the story?
If you want to learn about a place, visit every street, try every food, meet everyone, ask every question, climb every mountain, jump off every cliff (metaphorically speaking)! If you want to know the history of something, read Every. Single. Book.
Analyze from upside down, inside out and backwards, examine from every possible angle, leave no stone unturned.
If you want to make new friends, say yes to every invitation, new experience or scary new activity.
If you want to solve a problem, throw yourself into finding the best solution to benefit the most people, the environment and contribute joy to the world.
Learn. Every. Language. Enthusiasm in a person is not sheltered bliss, or manufactured peppiness, it is a force to be reckoned with—it can blow past obstacles, lift people up, and create new realities.
Best of all, it is contagious. Don’t step. Leap.” #AUBvalues#OIP#studyabroad#internationalstudents#culturalappreciation#Beirut#Lebanon#AUBOIP#internationalprograms#aubinternationals @OIP_AUB
by aub_lebanon / Instagram