Lebanon in a Picture

" No One Stay Unless They Truly Love You...Even If They Told You That They... (Batroûn)

October 08, 2016 by fadybechara
" No One Stay Unless They Truly Love You...Even If They Told You That They... (Batroûn) " No One Stay Unless They Truly Love You...Even If They Told You That They Would Never Leave...Even If They Told You That They Will Do Anything To make You Happy...When It Comes Down To It,People Say Whatever They Feel In The Moment...But Moments Don't Last...And People Don't Stay The Same...Believe Them In The Moment If Your Heart Tells You To...Just Don't Be Too Shattered If Their Commitments Change..."#whatsuplebanon#insta_lebanon#livelovebeirut#livelovelebanon#lebanontimes#lebanonspotlights#lebanonpassion#onlyonelebanon#souwarfromlebanon#super_lebanon#loves_lebanon#lbcilebanon#batrounalive#batrountraders#batrounfestival#liveloveehden#mycitybeirut#insta_jezzine#lebanon_hdr#hd_lebanon#ptk_sky#ptk_lebanon#liveloveanfeh#ig_sunsets#ig_lebanon#baywatchlebanon#mycitybeirut#thebestinlebanon#mycountrylebanon#globalcapture#insta_worldz
by fadybechara / Instagram