Seeing my daughter stressed and feeling overworked this morning, brought...
August 15, 2018 by sahtein_lebanesefeasts
Seeing my daughter stressed and feeling overworked this morning, brought this poem by #Gibran#جبران_خليل_جبران to my mind. I sat in the sun with her and read it aloud for both of us. Every now and then we need to be reminded that work with love produces great things. I tell her all the time that I love cooking, even when I’m tired and feel overworked the love I can connect brings me energy. Watching a meal take shape and come to life is similar to an artists work. As no work of a painter or a sculptor or a performer are never the same, neither are the dishes I cook. My eyes light up after I finish putting together a meal. This poem resonates so much with me. I turn to Gibran’s writing in times of need. When I cook best is when I cook with love, it’s a daily practice and helps me to connect. When I cook I feel my mother with me, I see the joy on her face when the family came together to enjoy the meals she cooked with love.
The first image is by Khalil Gibran and the feminine divine series titled - ‘Portrait of the artists mother’. After this you will find Gibran’s poem ‘On Work’. I hope it brings you the strength you might need right now.❤️🙏
by sahtein_lebanesefeasts / Instagram