The Afqa coloring postcard! watercolors and pencils!!!Thr latest fun item... (Afqa) December 02, 2018 by mountainsoflebanon The Afqa coloring postcard! watercolors and pencils!!! Thr latest fun item for this year... color your own views of Lebanon!!! we have a pack of 12 different cards size 10x15cm in a nice pack Sold at 5.000LBP available in all local bookshops want a cool, local by a local... #coloringfun #coloringlebanon #gifts #simplegifts #giftsfromlebanon #lebanongifts #christmasgifts #gamenight #coloring #coloringbookforadults #amazinglandscape #livelovejounieh #lebanon #ptk_lebanon by mountainsoflebanon / Instagram