| 🕉 |this post is a promise to my yoga teachers that i'll be coming more... April 02, 2018 by balancewithtina | 🕉 | this post is a promise to my yoga teachers that i'll be coming more often to the studio 😝 . lots of love to the women who push me to stop worrying about falling from most postures 🙆🏻 and love all my cakes and desserts 😋@ak_yoga_studio @youshayoga @mimimoukarzel @zan_zanou ♥️ . . the last one from the series by the best @michelfakhoury . #livelovesports #yogaeverywhere #yogaeverydamnday #upwardfacingdog #natureyoga #yogadaily #onelebanon #yogamotivation by balancewithtina / Instagram