To Travel ✈️is like to love someone, but you have no commitments and...
August 08, 2017 by love_chamomiles
To Travel ✈️is like to love someone, but you have no commitments and obligations. You collect memories, places, cities, people, tastes,experiences, and no matter how many places you have visited, you will never break up with anyone as you have space for all of them in your heart. #dotravel #NOREGRETS #behappy #life #joy #world #traveller #Lebanon #beatifulLebanon #mylebanon #whatsupLebanon #meetLebanon #lebanontimes #sourlebanon #south #worldismine #oldstreet #nature #girl #human #colors #summer #love #peace #backpack #converse #sport #lifestyle #путешествие #лето2017
by love_chamomiles / Instagram