Lebanon in a Picture

Volunteers participated in the areforestation activity at the Qehmez...

December 11, 2017 by jabalmoussa
 Volunteers participated in the  areforestation activity at the Qehmez... #Volunteers participated in the #areforestation activity at the Qehmez entrance of #JabalMoussa, within a campaign organized by the Ministry of Agriculture, in the framework of the National Program for #Forestry known as the "Forty Million Tree" Program. #unescomab #unesco #biospherereserve #ecotourism #ecotourismlebanon #lebanon_hdr #lebanon #spotlight #whatsuplebanon #livelovebeirut #livelovejabalmoussa #livelovelebanon #livelovehiking #hiking #hike #reserve @lbpresidency
by jabalmoussa / Instagram