Пирог из цельнозерновой муки с фундуком!🌰🍪🍞 Пекла его с девочками, они с (Downtown Beirut)
May 22, 2018 by vavidani
Пирог из цельнозерновой муки с фундуком!🌰🍪🍞 Пекла его с девочками, они сами все разбивали, смешавали, добавляли... и самое главное, с удовольствием его ели! Мне досталась лишь скромная роль уборщицы! Wholeweat cake with hazelnuts- cocktail of fiber, a healthy plant-based protein, vitamins, minerals, and a variety of phytochemicals. Fiber is one big reason to eat whole grains.Adults need about 25 to 35 grams of fiber daily. You'll get 5.8 grams of fiber in two slices of whole wheat cake, but only 1.9 grams from the same amount of white flour cake. Because it digests slowly, fiber helps you feel fuller longer and can help control blood sugar, lower "bad" cholesterol, and reduce colon cancer risk. Whole grains also contain lactic acid, which promotes "good bacteria" in the large intestine. These organisms aid digestion, promote better nutrition absorption, and may even beef up the body's immune system.
by vavidani / Instagram