It's not a hobby, it's a discipline. Discipline of the mind and discipline... November 07, 2017 by tracyogini It's not a hobby, it's a discipline. Discipline of the mind and discipline of the body on the path to freedom. Practicing yoga everyday is generally not what the mind and body want and can sometimes be a struggle but doing it anyways is what builds the real long term benefits. It doesn't have to be an hour or more everyday, could be a few rounds of sun salutations coupled with some pranayama and meditation, taking no longer than 20mins (for busy days). Come get your practice on today at 6pm at @hamsayogaspace. . . @artsyoga behind the 📷 . . . . . #yoga #yogini #yogagirl #yogalove #yogajourney #yogainspiration #yogaeveryday #yogaphotography #discipline #determination #strength #flexibility #strongnotskinny #balance #humility #art #photography #movement #expression #fitness #beirut #lebanon #whatsuplebanon #livelovelebanon #practiceyogachangeyourworld #onebreathatatime #lovepeacelight #om #namaste by tracyogini / Instagram