Lebanon in a Picture


البسطة قبل وبعد
البسطة قبل وبعد by oldbeirutlebanon
Been  visiting  antique  shops in  Basta  Beirut  Lebanon old  stuff ...
Been visiting antique shops in Basta Beirut Lebanon old stuff ... by charbel.watfa
Basta  1970
Basta 1970 by lebretro
Beirut Tramway going from Riad El Solh to Basta  1965
Beirut Tramway going from Riad El Solh to Basta 1965 by lebretro
Basta Tramway  1930s
Basta Tramway 1930s by lebretro
Basta  1910s
Basta 1910s by lebretro