Apple Crumble Pie with Salted Caramel 😱👅💦 Want the Recipe? Check it out on TravelingwithThyme.com (link in bio) 🍎❤️
by lebanoneats
With the current apple crisis in Lebanon, I decided to revisit a decadent Apple Crumble Pie recipe and share it with you 🍎❤️ Recipe now up on TravelingwithThyme.com (link in bio) // savelebaneseapples lebanoneats newblogpost recipes
by lebanoneats
Shake Shack blends 😍🙈 How long do you wait after lunch to have dessert?? 🍨🍰❤️ Credits to @soraya.khalil (Shake Shack - Abc Achrafieh)
by lebanoneats
Can we tempt you with some chocolate? ❤️🍫 Goodnight all 🌙 ️ (Provincia)
by lebanoneats
Grilled Kafta & Roasted Cauliflower 😍👍 Homemade by @thelebaneseplate
by lebanoneats