مقهى فاروق ، قهوة شاي ارجيلة ،
by oldbeirutlebanon
صباح الخير من بيروت باب ادريس ،
by oldbeirutlebanon
باخرة الركاب الفرنسية شمبوليون تجنح قبالة شاطىء الأوزاعي وتنشطر إلى نصفين.
by oldbeirutlebanon
Beirut Normandy Hotel 1956
by oldbeirutlebanon
Beirut Zaytoune near New Royal Hotel - 1956
by oldbeirutlebanon
Beirut HamraStreet 1956 .
by oldbeirutlebanon
مستشفى الجامعة الاميركية في بيروت ١٩٥٦،
by oldbeirutlebanon
Beirut International Airport 1956 .
by oldbeirutlebanon
بيروت عام ١٩٥٦ ،
by oldbeirutlebanon
Beirut Martyrs Square in 1956 ,
by oldbeirutlebanon
بيروت ١٩٥٦،
by oldbeirutlebanon
بيروت الزيتونة عام ١٩٥٦،
by oldbeirutlebanon
بيروت عام ١٩٥٦ ،
by oldbeirutlebanon
Beirut AUB in 1956 .
by oldbeirutlebanon
Good Morning From Beirut Martyrs Square In 1956 .
by oldbeirutlebanon
Beirut AUB Main Gate In 1956 .
by oldbeirutlebanon
Beirut Near The Museum - Tramway Station , 1956 .
by oldbeirutlebanon
Beirut Near The Museum - Tramway Station , 1956 .
by oldbeirutlebanon
Beirut Near The Museum - Tramway Station , 1956 .
by oldbeirutlebanon
Beirut Near The Museum - Tramway Station , 1956 .
by oldbeirutlebanon
Beirut Gemmeyze in 1956 .
by oldbeirutlebanon
Children selling newspapers near the tramway ,
by oldbeirutlebanon