There can be no defense like elaborate courtesy - Edward Verrall Lucasلي (Beirut, Lebanon)
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Vera on the obligation to have common courtesy with @gracytta in @yasmina (Beirut, Lebanon)
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Vera on how courtesy begins at home with @gracytta in @yasminadotcomخبيرة (Beirut, Lebanon)
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The greater man the greater courtesy - Alfred Lord Tennysonكلما إزداد ا (Beirut, Lebanon)
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Courtesy is as much a mark of a gentleman as courage - Theodore... (Beirut, Lebanon)
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Gratitude is the most exquisite form of courtesy - Jacques Maritain الإم (Beirut, Lebanon)
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Take this workshop with @vera_s_yammine_ and learn more about the skills... (Beirut, Lebanon)
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He who sows courtesy reaps friendship - Saint Basilمن يغرس مجاملة يحصد... (Beirut, Lebanon)
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Courteous men learn courtesy from the discourteous - Persian Proverb ا (Beirut, Lebanon)
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To be humble to superiors is duty, to equals courtesy, to inferiors ... (Beirut, Lebanon)
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