Willy and the chocolate factory. What's your favourite dessert place?.... (Istanbul, Turkey)
by hungry_tech
Lebanese desserts 🍨🍧🥮🍮..... LebaneseFood LebaneseFoodie ... (Em Sherif)
by gracesdream
My partner in crime @dania_bicdashy 😋😂... meltndip lebanon beirut ... (Beirut, Lebanon)
by ahmad_hammoud
Mornings like this! 🍋🍇🍓🍉 foodlove morning Saturdays dessert yummy ... (Four Seasons Hotel Beirut)
by outoftheboxksa
I Mean... TGIF. cookie chocolate chocolatechips chocolatechipcookies ... (Beirut, Lebanon)
by patrickseukunian
Just Imagine! dessert desserts dessertporn desserttable dessertlover... (Crepaway Citymall)
by youhannazn
Happy Easter dessert dessertporn dessertlovers tarte pie grenade ...
by bapa13
As @yummylebanon said: “بركة العيد ما بتنصح ....صحتين سلف” 😍😂😘 ... (Lebanon)
by meetlebanon
This kind of weather calls for ice cream 🍦🤷🏻♀️... lebanoneats ...
by cen03fit
Chocolate Profiterole. Valentine's day treat😍😍................ (ABC Verdun)
by hungry_tech
Hi Mama 👑💁🏻 "How we are going to eat all this?!" 🙈 Lebanoneats ...... (Al Halabi Restaurant)
by cen03fit
Still celebrating Christmas with @biscuitlebanon ❤️😍........ (Biscuit Patisserie & Bakery)
by cen03fit
Borough Market vibes in London 😍❄️ My all-time fav market! ........ (Borough Market)
by cen03fit
How awesome does this dessert look at @deekduke ? 😍👌🏻 ALSO I think it's... (Deek Duke Hamra)
by cen03fit
Want to win a meal for 2 at @marioemario ?! 🎉😍🎉😍🎉😍🎉 .🍝HOW TO... (Mario e Mario)
by cen03fit
"Meghlé", one of the best sweets in Lebanon 😍---------------------------- (Dunya Beirut)
by trips2spice
Oh well, Hello there sweet monday🍫🍨 . ----------------------------------- (Dip N Dip)
by trips2spice
When I say extra chocolate...I mean it 😏🍫 . . ---------------------------
by trips2spice
O M G 🤤 . . ----------------------------------------📍 @zahiradxb .-----
by trips2spice
That's how I dunk in happiness 🍩☕️.-------------------------------📍 @dd
by trips2spice
I'm one cookie away from being happy 🍪 🍦 😊 . . -------------------------
by trips2spice
Tag Your Favorite person to have these mouthwatering pancakes with 🥞 ✨❤️🙌
by trips2spice
I'm a sexual gourmet 🤤 .-------------------------------📍 @arhallab1881...
by trips2spice
Drooling over this dessert at @abdelwahabrest 🤤🐝...... drooling ... (Abd El Wahab Abc)
by zee.the.bee
I've waffled before...I'll waffle again 🙌🏻 .----------------------------
by trips2spice
مساء السعاده ...لفنجان قهوه مملوء بالراحه ...التي ﻻتتغير لونها وﻻريحتها مس (Abdul Rahman Hallab & Sons 1881)
by ramramcoffee
Mama always told me breakfast is the most important meal of the day...so...
by trips2spice
Waking up and craving ice cream 😍🍦🍫 .Help choosing one ☝️ which flavor... (Kleiat - القليعات)
by trips2spice
It's time to Beat the Heat with some Froozing @nutella @oreo & Strawberry �
by trips2spice
My heart est PERDU 💔.-------------------------📍 @dipndip .------------
by trips2spice