The Edge... there is no honest way to explain it because the only people... (`Akkar, Liban-Nord, Lebanon)
by eliesamarani
www.facebook.com/georgesper.... proudlylebanese beautifullebanon ... (Jounieh - Lebanon)
by georgesper
The Bcharre cedars, also known as the cedars of God is the most famous... (Cedars Of Lebanon)
by georgesper
www.facebook.com/georgesper.... proudlylebanese beautifullebanon ... (Tyre, Lebanon)
by georgesper
Sometimes the wrong train will get you to the right place.🚂🚃🚃 ... (Riyaq, Béqaa, Lebanon)
by eliesamarani
Un p'tit café? coffeeshop among the trees evening outing cosy ...
by boho_dushan
If you want to make your dreams come true, the first thing you have to do... (Laguava)
by eliesamarani
www.facebook.com/georgesper.... proudlylebanese beautifullebanon ... (Tripoli Train Station)
by georgesper
Time passes, Memories fade, Feelings changes, People leave But Hearts... (Beirut, Lebanon)
by mirnahoueiss
Autumn is a second spring when every leaf is a flower - Albert Camus... (Deir al-Qamar)
by hasnafrangieh
La vie en rose 💟 livelovedamour GrandMoment2016 livelovebeirut ... (Damour Beach Resort)
by eliesamarani
Sunset are proofs that no matter what happens , everyday can end...
by mirnahoueiss
Enjoy your afternoon like a royal 👑 GrandMoment2016 livelovebeirut ... (Mir Amin Palace Hotel)
by mirnahoueiss
Follow me 🏡🏡🏡🏡 GrandMoment2016 livelovebeirut wearelebanon lebanon... (Laguava Beach Rmeileh)
by eliesamarani
Happy Weekend 👊🏻..www.facebook.com/georgesper... proudlylebanese ... (Tyre, Lebanon)
by georgesper
Advice from a Palm Tree:Soak up the sun.Stand tall and proud.Remember... (Laguava Beach Rmeileh)
by eliesamarani
Sidon's Sea Castle was built by the crusaders as a fortress of the holy... (Saïda, Al Janub, Lebanon)
by georgesper
Its Time for a Fresh Start🏕 GrandMoment2016 livelovebeirut ...
by eliesamarani
The Beiteddine palace complex, Lebanon's best example of early 19th... (Beiteddine Palace)
by georgesper
There are Good Days and there are Grape Days!! 🍇☘️ chateaukefraya ... (Château Kefraya - Plaine De Bekka)
by mirnahoueiss
👉🏼 https://m.facebook.com/georgesper/ 👈🏼... . proudlylebanese ... (Tripoli, Lebanon)
by georgesper
Enternal dilemma.... Enjoy it now or keep it to age ? ... (Château Kefraya - Plaine De Bekka)
by mirnahoueiss
Every summer has its own story but mine is a novel 🏖 GrandMoment2016... (Janna Sur Mer)
by eliesamarani
Holy Valley of Lebanon [Kadisha Valley] 🇱🇧.... globalcapture ... (Cedars Mountains)
by georgesper
. . livelovebeirut wearelebanon lebanon livelovelebanon... (Ain Zhalta عين زحلتا)
by abyhamed
Summer always ends with good memories🏡 GrandMoment2016 livelovebeirut ... (Janna Sur Mer)
by eliesamarani
Tripoli, Lebanon [Abandoned train station- a lost history]Picture by @mich (Tripoli Train Station)
by georgesper
Never let your memories be greater than your dreams🏞 livelivebekaa... (Taanayel Lake)
by eliesamarani
🙏🏻 livelovebeirut wearelebanon lebanon livelovelebanon proudlylebanese... (Jesuit Convent Deyr Taanayel - دير سيدة التعزية للآباء اليسوعيين)
by mirnahoueiss
If you spend your whole life waiting for the storm, you'll never enjoy the... (Khan El Maksoud)
by eliesamarani