He who has not Christmas in his heart will never find it under a tree.🎄💫...
by eliesamarani
يارب عطيني القدرة زينلها كل الدروبخلي حفافيها خضرة و ازرعلا حولن قلوب....
by ahmadelomar
The drip candles are many but the light is one. ✨🌠 whphandmade ... (الزلقا بيروت)
by eliesamarani
IT IS ALL ABOUT CONNECTING THE DOTS ❤️ WHPhandmade myhandmade ...
by mirnahoueiss
Everyone eats and drinks . Yet only few appreciate the taste of food 😍🍜🍝 (Downtown)
by mirnahoueiss
متلك متل زهرة بتحلي كلشي حواليكي...بتخلي العيون منبهرة و بتضل مفتحة عليكي....
by ahmadelomar
Autumn is a second spring when every leaf is a flower.🍁🍂🌺🍃 ... (Sawfar, Mont-Liban, Lebanon)
by eliesamarani
كل ماشوف العاقورة بحس الهم غاب عنيولو كانت حدي القمورة كنت بكون بالجنة... (العاقورة)
by ahmadelomar
Away from the City 🌑🔥 livelovebeirut wearelebanon tree fire camp ... (Zaarour Mountain)
by eliesamarani
Loyalty.🇱🇧 livelovebeirut wearelebanon lebanon livelovelebanon...
by mirnahoueiss
Only if you have been in the deepest valley, can you ever know how... (Zaarour Mountain)
by eliesamarani
The voice ✌ livelovebeirut wearelebanon lebanon livelovelebanon... (The Voice! Mbc Studio)
by eliesamarani
متل الشمس العم تسطع بتتحدى كل الغيمات... غير لربي ما بركع ولا بحني متل الار
by ahmadelomar
Other might have forgotten but never can I.For the flag of my country... (Kornet El Sawda)
by mirnahoueiss
If a window of opportunity appears, don't pull down the shade 😎 ... (Beiteddine Palace)
by oldbeirutlebanon
People who loves to eat are always the best People😎 livelovebeirut ... (Souk el Akel)
by mirnahoueiss
حلوة وبيضل حلاكي باين متل شمس تشرين....تا يقدر الواحد ينساكي صعبي هالفكرة ت (Bsharri, Lebanon)
by ahmadelomar
Don't ruin other people's happiness just because you can't find your own. ... (Gemmayze)
by eliesamarani
حتى بوقت البكي...حلوة و بتزيدي جمالمتل السما الملبكة... حلوة بكل الاحوال... (Kornet El Sawda)
by ahmadelomar
It doesn't matter if your taste is modern or traditional, classic or... (Gemmayze)
by eliesamarani
متل الشمس بلحظة الغروب حتى لما بتتخبابحلاها بتدوب قلوب و بتصير اكتر تحبا... (Kornet El Sawda)
by ahmadelomar
No road is long with good company. livelovebeirut wearelebanon lebanon... (Al Shouf Cedar Nature Reserve)
by mirnahoueiss
The sky is your limit if you dont have a roof over your head.🌳🏡🌳 ... (Dhour choueir)
by eliesamarani
Always end the day with a positive thought. No matter how hard things were...
by mirnahoueiss
Three things cannot be long hidden: the sun, the moon, and the truth... (Miziara سيدة ام المراحم مزيارة)
by eliesamarani
"Always stand strong, even when everything around you is falling" A.E.O...
by ahmadelomar
Sunset from work livelovebeirut wearelebanon lebanon livelovelebanon...
by mirnahoueiss
A land without ruins is a land without memories— a land without memories... (Bechmezzîne, Liban-Nord, Lebanon)
by eliesamarani
وحدي انا هون قاعد عم فلفش بالذكرياتمع افكاري انا شارد نسترجع احلى حكايات...
by ahmadelomar
Let's go on a Roadtrip.🌳🌳🌳🚗🌳🌳🌳 livelovebeirut wearelebanon ... (Bechmezzîne, Liban-Nord, Lebanon)
by eliesamarani