Life is tricky baby, stay in your magic!!! lifequotes quotes life love ... (Paris, France)
by picturesque83
"sometimes you don't have to say anything silence speak it all"...... (Lebanon)
by jocelyne_arzou
*Sound On* *Worth Reading*Let's suppose that you were able every night... (Akoura, Mont-Liban, Lebanon)
by sir_youssef
...اَلسَّمَاءُ وَالأَرْضُ تَزُولاَنِ وَلكِنَّ كَلاَمِي لاَ يَزُولُ.(مت... (Ouâdi Qannoûbîne, Liban-Nord, Lebanon)
by ken.photography.by.elie.nasr
Be careful of your thoughts, for your thoughts become your words. Be... (The Terrace - Restaurant & Bar Lounge)
by joelle.hallak
...والمطر الأسود في عيني يتساقط زخّات زخّات يحملني معه يحملني لمساء ورد (Fanar, Mont-Liban, Lebanon)
by ken.photography.by.elie.nasr
The Symphony of its Beautiful Curves..لغتي.. هويتي.. اليوم العالمي للغة ال (Beirut, Lebanon)
by truewealth_manal_tamim
Life will only change when you become more committed to your dreams than...
by elie.jp.nakouzi
الشيء الذي لا يمكن تغييره بالكلمات لا يمكن فهمه إلا بالصمت. ...
by tarekham
When words escape, flowers speak ⚘ haveagoodmonday beino beinovillage... (Beïno, Liban-Nord, Lebanon)
by lebaneseby.nature
Good manners and soft words have brought many a difficult thing to pass - (Beirut, Lebanon)
by t2etiquette
words can inspire and words can destroy choose yours wellلسانك حصانك، ان ص
by surreal_k
There is a voice that doesn't use words,LISTEN... listen look lookdeep ... (Mount Lebanon)
by jocelyne_arzou
love streetphotography lebanonspotlights livelovelebanon ... (Quarantine, Lebanon)
by awandererinbeirut
to send a lettre is a good way to go somewhere without moving anything ... (Klayaat)
by boustany_ritamaria
quoteoftheday picoftheday beautiful lebanon hiking influence ...
by francismerheb
vangogh vincentvangogh modernart qoutes qouteoftheday art artist ... (Gemmayze)
by fatmaalshebani
و بيروت إذا أردت أن تقدم تعريفا مناسبا لهافلن تجد مهما أجهدت ذهنك شيئا تقول (Raouché)
by elie.jp.nakouzi
Wise words; let's just learn to Love one another. Stop worrying about... (Ehmej, Mont-Liban, Lebanon)
by rabz84
تحيّة من دبي الى بيروت و العالم العربي 👋🏻 WalidToufic وليد_توفيق ... (Dubai, United Arab Emirates)
by arabstarwalidtoufic
مااحلى لقاء الاحبه والاصدقاء في دبي @mansoor.alsharif @Ahmed.alawar @j.j.s (Dubai, United Arab Emirates)
by arabstarwalidtoufic
..Since I'm reading about Sufis , this is how there music sound like (whi
by the_banana_journal
ترقّبوني ليل الجمعة الساعة ٨:٣٠ مساءً في حلقة "اسأل قلبك" على شاشة الNBN و... (Nbn Tv)
by arabstarwalidtoufic
ومازالت الحانه تنافس كل ألحان الجيل الراحل الحاضر في الحانه... الكبير بليغ...
by arabstarwalidtoufic
عطلة نهاية أسبوع ممتعة احبّائي 🌹 WalidToufic وليد_توفيق singers ...
by arabstarwalidtoufic
مع حبيب القلب و احلى معين شريف WalidToufic وليد_توفيق singers actors ...
by arabstarwalidtoufic
في لقاء يجمعني بالصديق العزيز الفنان البحريني القدير خالد الشيخ والصديق طون
by arabstarwalidtoufic
مع الممثّل محمد رجب 🎙 @mohragab1 WalidToufic وليد_توفيق singers ... (القاهرة، مصر)
by arabstarwalidtoufic
flashback ColumbianNationalDay Singer Songwriter Actress Director... (45 Rue Sursock Achrafieh Beirut Lebanon)
by timmakhayzaran.artist
Photography 📷 is the story I fail to put into words. tannourine ... (Tannourine)
by harbjack