All his life has he looked away to the future, to the horizon. Never his... (Beirut, Lebanon)
by mozinati
و على مرفأ البحر رست أحلامنا بسلام شرائع السفن لازالت تشهد على فراقنا و ك (Tyre, Lebanon)
by mozinati
بشتاقلك لا بقدر شوفك و لا بقدر احكيكبندهلك خلف الطرقات و خلف الشبابيكبجرب (Sawfar, Mont-Liban, Lebanon)
by mozinati
Loneliness adds beauty to life. It puts a special burn on sunsets and... (Rumin, Al Janub, Lebanon)
by mozinati
Reach high for stars lie hidden in your soul.. Drem deep for every dream... (Zaarour)
by mozinati
See the horizon as a destination not as a limitation ☺==================== (Lebanon)
by mozinati
ليليي بترجع يا ليل و بتسأل عالناسو بتسقيهن يا هالليل كل واحد من كاسغبلك (Beirut, Lebanon)
by mozinati
When the path reveals itself follow it ☺.. ================================ (`Ammiq, Béqaa, Lebanon)
by mozinati
Take me away with You to a place where we don't need to worry.. ❤ ========= (Lebanon)
by mozinati
Beautiful things don 't ask for attention .. 😍============================ (Rihâne, Al Janub, Lebanon)
by mozinati
Loneliness adds beauty to life. It puts a special burn on sunsets and... (Lebanon)
by mozinati
بكرا بيجي نيسان يسألناو بيرش وردو عا منازلنامنخبرو شو صار منسمعو الأشعا (Beït Chabâb, Mont-Liban, Lebanon)
by mozinati
حبيبان نحن إلى أن ينام القمر..============================================ (Lebanon)
by mozinati
لازلت اشبهك بنجم ضائع في المجرة لا درب واضح لك و لكن ضوئك لطالما نثر في رو (Niha, Al Janub, Lebanon)
by mozinati
Land..beach..sky.. ========================================== ... (Jarjou`, Al Janub, Lebanon)
by mozinati
Sometimes you understand the worth of good old days, long after they are... (Saïda, Al Janub, Lebanon)
by mozinati
ضيعتي.. حومين الفوقاHometown ===========================================... (Hoûmîne El Faouqa, Al Janub, Lebanon)
by mozinati
بيتو بآخر البيوت قدامو عليي بتوصل عالبيت وبتفوت وبتسلم الهديي ولو عنا قال (Sawfar, Mont-Liban, Lebanon)
by mozinati
Take me home to the place i belong.. 🙌😌================================== (Lebanon)
by mozinati
No matter how bad your situation is, there's always hope if you have... (Lebanon)
by mozinati
Hello cuties 😍 ======================================================== ... (`Ammiq, Béqaa, Lebanon)
by mozinati
Make the horizon your goal, it will be always ahead of you 👌👌 =========== (Beirut, Lebanon)
by mozinati
Logic will het you fro A to Z.. Imagination will take you everywhere.. 🙌🙌 (Lebanon)
by mozinati
Enjoy the little things in life, for one day you will look back and... (Saïda, Al Janub, Lebanon)
by mozinati
Stars May Be Uncountable But You Are My Only Star .. People may dream... (Niha, Al Janub, Lebanon)
by mozinati
انت وجايي يا حبيبيلا تجي بالشمس بيلحقك خيالكتعا بالضباب تعا بلا خيالأنا (Deir Al Zehrane)
by mozinati
See the Horizon as a destination not a limitation.. 👌 ==================== (Saïda, Al Janub, Lebanon)
by mozinati
The best way to pay for a lovely noment is to enjoy it.. 😊 =============== (Tyre, Lebanon)
by mozinati
Be not afraid of going slowly, be afraid only of standing still.. 😉😉 ==== (Lebanon)
by mozinati
Road to the stars.. 😍 ==================================================== (Jezzîne, Al Janub, Lebanon)
by mozinati