Part 2☺️ NinaSimone Lebanon Beirut dance is my passion never ever compare yourself be the best yourself you can be dancer nastyagladun from Kiev Ukraine contemporarydance jazzdance GodIsGood soblessed lovelife vsco vscocam
by nastya_gladun
Just a little piece of the dance I did with these girls. Love it! Enjoy it! And they are the beasts!!😍
by nastya_gladun
Есть вещи, которые вознаграждаются. Одна из таких - постоянство в труде! Не могу передать, как я была счастлива сегодня танцевать🙈 Особенно, чувствуя, что постоянная работа над собой дает результат! (Caracalla Dance Theatre)
by nastya_gladun
Танцевальное воскресение☺️ Lebanon Beirut dance is my passion never ever compare yourself be the best yourself you can be dancer nastyagladun from Kiev Ukraine contemporarydance jazzdance GodIsGood soblessed lovelife vsco vscocam (Caracalla Dance School)
by nastya_gladun
Legs, legs, legs. To improve myself each and every day! (Caracalla Dance Theatre)
by nastya_gladun
"Never, never, never, never give up!" / W. Churchill (Caracalla Dance Theatre)
by nastya_gladun
Reaching new limits😌
by nastya_gladun
Step by step. Each and every day❤️ Lebanon Beirut dance is my passion never ever compare yourself be the best yourself you can be dancer nastyagladun from Kiev Ukraine contemporarydance jazzdance GodIsGood soblessed lovelife vsco vscocam
by nastya_gladun
Who said that life is about finding yourself! I think life is about...
by abedhassoun