Another successful event 😁🤩Since AUB @aub_lebanon was founded in 1866,... (American University of Beirut (AUB))
by alhallabsweets
Happy Labor Day from Abed Ghazi Hallab Sweets 😍💪------------------------ (Abed Ghazi Hallab Sweets)
by alhallabsweets
كل عام وانتم بالف خير بمناسبة نصف شعبان.. اللهم بلغنا رمضان.. مشبك معكرون (Abed Ghazi Hallab Sweets)
by alhallabsweets
To all the sweet mothers out there celebrating this year😋😍Make your day...
by alhallabsweets
Ask not what your mother can do for you, ask what you can do for your... (Abed Ghazi Hallab Sweets)
by mylebanon
Who ate all the lahm baajin? 😋 😍---------------------------------------- (Abed Ghazi Hallab Sweets)
by mylebanon
The magic of sweets 💕 A momentary glimpse of love 😍😋------------------- (Abed Ghazi Hallab Sweets)
by mylebanon
برمني و صفني أنا برمة حلو الحلاب ما إلي ثاني 😆 😋 ------------------------ (Abed Ghazi Hallab Sweets)
by alhallabsweets
انت ٱخر من افكر فيه قبل النوم واول من اشتاق اليه عندما استيقظ كل صباح...الح (Abed Ghazi Hallab Sweets)
by mylebanon
Good Morning Lebanon!!🇱🇧Happy Palm Sunday 🕯.. Don't forget to pass by... (Downtown Beirut)
by alhallabsweets
Don't forget to pass by our booth today at Nejmeh Square-Down Town.. We... (Downtown Beirut)
by alhallabsweets
Join us today at Nejmeh Square and let's celebrate Mother's day together 🤩 (Downtown Beirut)
by alhallabsweets
الصفيحة الطرابلسية 😍😄 مع دبس الرمان ولا أطيب من هيك 👌 لحمةبعجين ------- (Abed Ghazi Hallab Sweets)
by alhallabsweets
كل عام و أنتم بخير 😍🙏😁بمناسبة عيد النبوي الشريف عليه الصلاة والسلام 🕋ﷺ... (Abed Ghazi Hallab Sweets)
by alhallabsweets
Calculate the missing number and go back in time to when the story began 😍 (Abed Ghazi Hallab Sweets)
by alhallabsweets
So many packages to choose from😍Send your loved ones a gift abroad 😁✈ we... (Abed Ghazi Hallab Sweets)
by alhallabsweets
حلاوة الرز 😍😁 A delicious winter welcoming plate 👌 --------------------- (Abed Ghazi Hallab Sweets)
by alhallabsweets
Free delivery all over Beirut from 7 am till 10.30 pm 😍 You name the... (Abed Ghazi Hallab Sweets)
by alhallabsweets
مفروكةبالفستق الحلبي 😍😉👌mafrouke with pistachios for your desire ------ (Abed Ghazi Hallab Sweets)
by alhallabsweets
عثملية بالقشطة 😍😁 مع فستق حلبي و زهر الليمون 👌 ------------------------- (Abed Ghazi Hallab Sweets)
by alhallabsweets
Behind the scenes of our finest chefs at work 😍😁👌 ---------------------- (Abed Ghazi Hallab Sweets)
by alhallabsweets
Tired of the old knefe cheese ? How about knefe ashta 😍👍A change in... (Abed Ghazi Hallab Sweets)
by alhallabsweets
حلاوة الرز 😍👌 ما في أطيب منها طازة مع قشطة و فستق حلبي 😁 Our famous... (Abed Ghazi Hallab Sweets)
by alhallabsweets
Throwback to the good old rawshe days 👌😁 When the legacy began with... (Abed Ghazi Hallab Sweets)
by alhallabsweets
مفروكةبالفستق الحلبي 😍😉👌mafrouke with pistachios for your desire ------ (Abed Ghazi Hallab Sweets)
by alhallabsweets
مين عبالو بقلاوة 👌 Pistachios , pine nuts & cashew nuts😍 the best... (Abed Ghazi Hallab Sweets)
by alhallabsweets
مين عبالو بقلاوة 👌 Pistachios , pine nuts & cashew nuts😍 the best... (Abed Ghazi Hallab Sweets)
by alhallabsweets
في أطيب من نمورة الحلاب 😍😄 ولا أطيب من هيك 👌 نمورة -------------------- (Abed Ghazi Hallab Sweets)
by alhallabsweets
الصفيحة الطرابلسية 😍😄 مع دبس الرمان ولا أطيب من هيك 👌 لحمةبعجين ------- (Abed Ghazi Hallab Sweets)
by alhallabsweets
معكرون 😍😉 ولا أطيب من هيك 👌------------------------------------------- (Abed Ghazi Hallab Sweets)
by alhallabsweets