Lebanon in a Picture


*hunger satisfied•••••• hungersatisfied  ritage ... (Ritage by Maroun Chedid)
*hunger satisfied•••••• hungersatisfied ritage ... (Ritage by Maroun Chedid) by khalil.jabbour
*crush •••••• ritage  ritagebymarounchedid  crush  beirutcrush ... (Ritage by Maroun Chedid)
*crush •••••• ritage ritagebymarounchedid crush beirutcrush ... (Ritage by Maroun Chedid) by khalil.jabbour
*i'ma make a bowl of cereal with a teaspoon of bleach. serve it to you... (Kalei Coffee Co.)
*i'ma make a bowl of cereal with a teaspoon of bleach. serve it to you... (Kalei Coffee Co.) by khalil.jabbour
*my lunch date••••• kalei  kaleicoffee  lunchdate  dog ... (Kalei Coffee Co.)
*my lunch date••••• kalei kaleicoffee lunchdate dog ... (Kalei Coffee Co.) by khalil.jabbour