But the water that I will give him will become in him a well of water...
by dounia.raphael
A bit chilly but i enjoyed swimming 💦..... poolday infinitypool ... (Blue Jay Valley)
by pamelassagh
The ocean is everything I want to be. Beautiful, Mysterious, Wild and Free... (Anfeh Al-Koura أنفه الكورة)
by dounia.raphael
“ running so slow you might think this video is a picture “ truestory � (Constance Lémuria)
by elianegitani
A wise women @linskie123 wrote this on my kitchen wall once:✨ Let... (Seychelles)
by elianegitani
And just like that I managed to letgo for a second, big thank you to @kmi (Dubai Marina)
by elianegitani