Early detection saves lives! autumn bakery October ...
by clementtannouri
Pain aux noix cuit dans la cocotte 😋 bakery dessert pastries pastry ... (Beirut, Lebanon)
by clementtannouri
En Automne, la poire est une star ! Savourez la 'Tarte Bourdaloue' sur...
by clementtannouri
«Vous ne donnez que peu lorsque vous donnez vos biens. C’est lorsque vous...
by clementtannouri
Silence on cuisine ! 😋 bakery dessert pastries pastry tart tart ...
by clementtannouri
Pâte feuilletée inversée😋 bakery dessert pastries pastry tart tart...
by clementtannouri
Pour finir l'été en beauté et affronter l'automne en douceur. Découvrez La...
by clementtannouri
Good bye summer ! Join us today from 5:00 pm till 10:00 pm in Zahle’s Al-Me (Souk Zahle)
by clementtannouri
Une tarte bourdaloue s'il vous plait ! 🤤😋 bakery dessert pastries ...
by clementtannouri
Because we know that our Babas in jars are irresistible, and because we...
by clementtannouri
Join us today from 5:00 pm till 10:00 pm in Zahle’s Al-Memchyet - Souk... (Memshiye -Zahle)
by clementtannouri
Tirage au sort des 3 gagnants du jeu concours ! Félicitations (@jess.nehme...
by clementtannouri
Jeu concours !🤤 Gagnez un pot de baba au rhum en répondant à la question...
by clementtannouri
Mini baba au rhum 😋 bakery dessert pastries pastry tart tart ...
by clementtannouri
Join us today and each Saturday from 5:00 pm till 10:00 pm in Zahle’s Al-Me (Zahlé, Lebanon)
by clementtannouri
Best remedy after the salty taste in your mouth ☀️😋 bakery dessert ...
by clementtannouri
Join us today and each Saturday from 5:00 pm till 10:00 pm in Zahle’s Al-Me (Memshiye -Zahle)
by clementtannouri
We are waiting for you ! @soukeltayeb soukzahleClément & Marc Tannouri 👨 (Zahlé, Lebanon)
by clementtannouri
Meet us as of Saturday the 12th of August 2017 and each Saturday from 1:00... (Souk Zahle)
by clementtannouri
Meringue 😋 bakery dessert pastries pastry tart tart butter ...
by clementtannouri
Chefs Clément & Marc Tannouri (Clément - Chasseurs de saveurs ) decided to...
by clementtannouri
Sea pastry and sun 🌊😋😎☀️ bakery dessert pastries pastry tart tart... (Lazy B)
by clementtannouri
Gourmandise au 3 chocolats 😋🍫 bakery dessert pastries pastry tart ...
by clementtannouri
Mini pain 🍔 livelovefood livelovebeirut beirut zahle bekaa pastry ...
by clementtannouri
Petit déjeuner 🥐 bakery dessert pastries pastry tart tart butter...
by clementtannouri
Bon dimanche 😋🥐 bakery dessert pastries pastry tart tart butter ...
by clementtannouri
Mini baba 😋 bakery dessert pastries pastry tart tart butter ... (Beirut, Lebanon)
by clementtannouri
C'est l'heure du café avec un bon muffin aux pépites de chocolat☀️😋 ... (Beirut, Lebanon)
by clementtannouri
Bonne journée à tous☀️😋 bakery dessert pastries pastry tart tart ... (Beirut, Lebanon)
by clementtannouri
Hapiness is homemade 😋😋 bakery dessert pastries pastry tart tart ... (Beirut, Lebanon)
by clementtannouri