Climbing trainings starting next week.Private sessions on weekdays and...
by flyingfrogco
Strength, flexibility, concentration and rush all in one sport. Start rock...
by flyingfrogco
We installed this awesome wall at @crossfit961!!Get a fully customized...
by flyingfrogco
tbthursday to the Multipitch and Self Rescue training with the... (Lebanon)
by flyingfrogco
Theory sessions were too good, lots of important information about rock...
by flyingfrogco
Practicing after the theoretical session in the Multi-pitch and rescue... (Beirut, Lebanon)
by flyingfrogco
Even if you’re afraid of heights, our instructors will help you and guide...
by flyingfrogco
Have you checked our Multi-pitch Climbing, and rescue training happening...
by flyingfrogco
For the first time in Lebanon, and in collaboration with Mountaineering...
by flyingfrogco
How was your first time? Fun? Scary? Confusing? Satisfying?Probably all... (El Laklouk, Mont-Liban, Lebanon)
by flyingfrogco
And it was sunny only on the mountains FLYINGFROG FLYINGFROGCO sunnyday...
by flyingfrogco