Beit is the latest step in the Souk El Tayeb journey which began in 2004....
by soukeltayeb
From a farmers’ market (2004) that highlighted rural produce in the urban...
by soukeltayeb
Keep your friends close and your farmers closer 👨🏻🌾 EAT LOCAL 😉 ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
by j.grove.lebanon
👨🏾🌾💚 jGrove Quote HardWork Farmer Love Life Care Work ...
by j.grove.lebanon
🇱🇧 Nada se compara aos sabores frescos do nosso querido Líbano! (Makdous,
by fclibanesa
Tawlet Ammiq is visiting Tawlet Beirut tomorrow, bringing their whole menu...
by soukeltayeb
Summer is still here! Let's make the most of it, and visit Tawlet Ammiq:...
by soukeltayeb