(In English ⬇️)☑️"Грушевый Пирог"✅ ИНГРЕДИЕНТЫ:Тесто•Ржаная мука (цельн (An Naqqash, Mont-Liban, Lebanon)
by stay_fit_with_evgeniia
(In English ⬇️)☑️"Овсяные Печеньки"✅ ИНГРЕДИЕНТЫ:•Овсянка (цельнозернова (Jel El Dib, Mont-Liban, Lebanon)
by stay_fit_with_evgeniia
☑️"Оладьи из Кабачков"✅ ИНГРЕДИЕНТЫ:•Кабачки - 5 шт (маленькие)•Яйца -... (Sarba Kaslik Liban)
by stay_fit_with_evgeniia
(На русском ⬇️)✅ BREAKFAST 4."Protein bread with goat cheese & fruits"... (Antilyas)
by stay_fit_with_evgeniia
(На русском ⬇️)✅ BREAKFAST 3."Cottage cheese with fruits and nuts"... (Antilyas)
by stay_fit_with_evgeniia
(На русском ⬇️)✅ BREAKFAST 2"Omelette & Light Wrap".Omelette is a... (Antilyas)
by stay_fit_with_evgeniia
(На русском ⬇️)✅ BREAKFAST 1"Oatmeal with milk and strawberries".... (STAY FIT with EVGENIIA)
by stay_fit_with_evgeniia
☑️"ДОМАШНИЙ ХЛЕБ"Я не очень люблю покупной хлеб, а вот домашний хлеб кушаю (Jel El Dib, Mont-Liban, Lebanon)
by stay_fit_with_evgeniia
✔️"BANANA ICE CREAM"A great dessert for those who does not want to gain... (Antilyas)
by stay_fit_with_evgeniia
✔️"EGGS and GREEN ONION PIE"This pie is full of protein, so will be great... (Antilyas)
by stay_fit_with_evgeniia
✔️Hi guys!🙌🏻Let me introduce myself one more time for those who do not... (Antilyas)
by stay_fit_with_evgeniia
✔️"SYRNIKI"▪️Ingredients:* 2 eggs* 500 g of cottage cheese* 1 cup of... (Amchit)
by stay_fit_with_evgeniia
✔️Hi guys!🙌🏻Let me introduce myself one more time for those who do not... (Jbeil-Byblos)
by stay_fit_with_evgeniia