From a farmers’ market (2004) that highlighted rural produce in the urban...
by soukeltayeb
🇱🇧 Nada se compara aos sabores frescos do nosso querido Líbano! (Makdous,
by fclibanesa
In the heart of ciments and buildings the silk factory still stands and... (La Magnanerie Beirut)
by tourleb
Repost from @foodheritagefoundation Everybody is waiting for the boiled ... (Saghbîne, Béqaa, Lebanon)
by walkthroughsaghbine
Repost @dimaalchaar・・・A great journey to my taste buds @tawletbeitelqama
by soukeltayeb
Repost from @foodheritagefoundation walkthroughsaghbine العوافه شباب!!... (Saghbîne, Béqaa, Lebanon)
by walkthroughsaghbine
رجعت الشتوية... 🍅🍅🍅 saghbine westbekaa food heritage foodheritage ... (Saghbîne, Béqaa, Lebanon)
by aline_grg