و هيدي قعدة! Found myself a new office 🌳 naturallyproductive :::::::::::: (Collège Notre Dame de Jamhour)
by ghadakortbawi
Have a seat or better, a nap!??... photos photography lebanon ... (Tripoli, Lebanon)
by a1001pictures
في كرسي تانية فاضية بالبلد 😂 sofas outdoor abandonned old mountain ... (Chahtoûl, Mont-Liban, Lebanon)
by ghadakortbawi
فقشنا راس البندورة 🍅! Just before lunch beirut lebanon sundaylunch ... (Beirut, Lebanon)
by ghadakortbawi
Closing the show seems to be labeled poison and we'd drink it anyways.... (Tripoli, Lebanon)
by danythedan