Overlooking Ehden & the Valley of the Saints are Saint Elias Church &... (Saint Elias Mountains)
by hasnafrangieh
lebanon beirut downtown saturday culture church... (Downtown Beirut)
by fabyo.kay
There is nothing impossible to God - Sainte Rita of Cascia ... (Aarbet Qouzhaïya, Liban-Nord, Lebanon)
by hasnafrangieh
To keep a faith pure, man had better retire to a monastery...... (Mar Antonios-Kozhaya)
by kevork_90
Saint Catherine Church of Anfeh ....📍Anfeh, El Koura, Northern Lebanon... (Anfeh Al-Koura أنفه الكورة)
by marwan.g.nassar
✨✝✨ وَتَكُونُونَ لِي شُهُودًا. - أع ٨:١✝ "And ye shall be witnesses unto... (Az Zalqa', Mont-Liban, Lebanon)
by norayammine
"Wherever God has put You, that is your vocation. It is not what we do,... (Ghadir, Mont-Liban, Lebanon)
by norayammine
مار مارون 🙏🏻 من لبنان إلى المَشْرِق والعالم 🇱🇧🙏🏻🌍... (Mar Maroun Church)
by hasnafrangieh
Faith is a knowledge within the heart, beyond the reach of proof - Gibran... (Ehden, Lebanon)
by hasnafrangieh
💙🙏🕆🙏💙 "To have courage for whatever comes in life; everything lies in... (Eddé, Mont-Liban, Lebanon)
by norayammine
Despite all the sadness you were feeling because of your terrible loss,... (The Lady of Lebanon - Harissa)
by hasnafrangieh
"Praying for others is a sign of love; and the more love the saints in... (Bekaa Kafra)
by norayammine
يا غافي وعيونك لعينينا نورزهّرت عجفونك حبّة البخّورقدّاسك الحقلة ومذبحك ا (St Charbel Faraya)
by hasnafrangieh
🕇⛪🙏 "So many people pray to God to be healed; so few pray for strength... (Maghdoûché, Liban-Sud, Lebanon)
by norayammine
🙏💛 An old miraculous grotto considered for generations as a sacred... (Mar Abda Zekrit)
by norayammine
Pray, hope and don't worry - Saint Padre Pio... (Mar Antonios-Kozhaya)
by hasnafrangieh
Let us remember the past with gratitude, live the present with enthusiasm,... (Zahlé District)
by hasnafrangieh
While She holds your hand, you cannot fall - Saint Bernard of Clairvaux... (سيدة المعبور جزين)
by hasnafrangieh
هلمّي، هلمّي يا جميلتي، هلمّي إلى حديقتي، فالشتاء قد مضى والكروم أزهرت وأفا (Aïtou, Liban-Nord, Lebanon)
by hasnafrangieh
... بحنية السبلة ركعت وصلّيت 🙏 يا شربل ساعدنا، يا شربل ساعدنا، يا شربل اح (Saint Charbel)
by hasnafrangieh
اليوم أحد تذكار الموتى المؤمنين 🙏 الله يرحم أنفُس الموتى أجمعين 🙏 أَحَد... (El Qlaïaâ, Al Janub, Lebanon)
by hasnafrangieh
من كنيسة مار مارون في الجرمق - جنوب لبنان، ينعاد عليكم 🌿🙏✨... (الجرمق)
by hasnafrangieh
So hopefully surviving decades of war and tough times : Sainte Anne... (El Qlaïaâ, Al Janub, Lebanon)
by hasnafrangieh
May Saint Antonios Bless you & all your families 🙏 ... (Mar Antonios-Kozhaya)
by hasnafrangieh
From the remains of Sainte Anne Monastery in Klayaa - South Lebanon, I... (El Qlaïaâ, Al Janub, Lebanon)
by hasnafrangieh
May Gratitude always brighten up your Heart, it's The Grace that crowns... (Saydet El Hosn - Ehden)
by hasnafrangieh
دايم دايم 🙏 ______________________________________ whatsuplebanon ... (St Jean Marc Church, Byblos)
by hasnafrangieh
يا مريمُ البكرُ فُقتِ الشمسَ والقمرَوكلّ نجمٍ بأفلاكِ السماءِ سرَى 🙏... (Saydet El Hosn - Ehden)
by hasnafrangieh
Pray, hope and don't worry 🌄🙏💗🌷 Saint Padre Pio... (Deir Mar Antonius Qozhaya, Qadisha)
by hasnafrangieh
يا رفيقة الإيام، بالصلاة والإيمان اغمُرينا بالسلام والهنا والأمان وفيضي ع (The Lady of Lebanon - Harissa)
by hasnafrangieh