Your mood should never dictate your mannersلا ينبغي أن يؤثر مزاجك على ... (Beirut, Lebanon)
by t2etiquette
There is no respect for others without humility in one's self - Henri-Fr (Beirut, Lebanon)
by t2etiquette
@vera_s_yammine_ on embarrassing questions etiquette in an interview... (Beirut, Lebanon)
by t2etiquette
Vera on the behaviors of interviews, especially when applying for a job... (Beirut, Lebanon)
by t2etiquette
Good manners and soft words have brought many a difficult thing to pass - (Beirut, Lebanon)
by t2etiquette
In the business world, good manners is essential for getting ahead.... (Beirut, Lebanon)
by t2etiquette
The greater man the greater courtesy - Alfred Lord Tennysonكلما إزداد ا (Beirut, Lebanon)
by t2etiquette
Courtesy is as much a mark of a gentleman as courage - Theodore... (Beirut, Lebanon)
by t2etiquette
Vera on questions you should never ask with @gracytta in @yasminadotcomخب (Beirut, Lebanon)
by t2etiquette
Take this workshop with @vera_s_yammine_ and learn more about the skills... (Beirut, Lebanon)
by t2etiquette
Vera on good shopping etiquette with @gracytta in @yasminadotcomخبيرة ال (Beirut, Lebanon)
by t2etiquette
•i will see you again• photooftheday market popularmarket street ... (Tyre Souks)
by moe.baderr
He who sows courtesy reaps friendship - Saint Basilمن يغرس مجاملة يحصد... (Beirut, Lebanon)
by t2etiquette
Vera on etiquette rules for hotel guests with @gracytta in @yasminadotco (Beirut, Lebanon)
by t2etiquette
Liberty cannot be preserved, if the manners of the people are ... (Beirut, Lebanon)
by t2etiquette
Vera on table setting etiquette with @gracytta in @yasminadotcomخبيرة ال (Beirut, Lebanon)
by t2etiquette
Vera on napkin etiquette with @gracytta in @yasminadotcomخبيرة الإتيكيت... (Beirut, Lebanon)
by t2etiquette
Vera on travel etiquette with @gracytta in yasminadotcomخبيرة الإتيكيت... (Beirut, Lebanon)
by t2etiquette
To be humble to superiors is duty, to equals courtesy, to inferiors ... (Beirut, Lebanon)
by t2etiquette
Vera on etiquette tips for eating at a buffet with @gracytta in @yasmina (Beirut, Lebanon)
by t2etiquette