Lebanon in a Picture


Pizza love🍕🍕🍕📸 by @haririmh•••• rashetsomsom  pizza  mortadela ... (Saïda, Al Janub, Lebanon)
Pizza love🍕🍕🍕📸 by @haririmh•••• rashetsomsom pizza mortadela ... (Saïda, Al Janub, Lebanon) by rashetsomsom
There's no better feeling in the world 🌎 than a warm pizza 🍕 box 📦 on... (Rashet somsom - رشة سمسم)
There's no better feeling in the world 🌎 than a warm pizza 🍕 box 📦 on... (Rashet somsom - رشة سمسم) by rashetsomsom
There's no better feeling in the world 🌎 than a warm pizza 🍕 box 📦 on... (Rashet somsom - رشة سمسم)
There's no better feeling in the world 🌎 than a warm pizza 🍕 box 📦 on... (Rashet somsom - رشة سمسم) by rashetsomsom