Be passionate even on Mondays ✨ raf_giftry........ passion ... (Raf Giftry)
by raf_giftry
One of the abandoned authentic oil-presses in Barouk, Mount Lebanon——————— (Bâroûk, Mont-Liban, Lebanon)
by bilalkerbaj
Rare & unique Tiger Eye bead with real silver tassel 📿 raf_giftry...... (Raf Giftry)
by raf_giftry
There are two ways of spreading light: to be the candle or the mirror that... (Bikfaïya, Mont-Liban, Lebanon)
by addict.for.nature
Marvelous wall cladding made out of brass sheets @mim_museum beirut ... (MIM Museum)
by split.of.second