We are all made of light 💥........ photoart photomadeoflight ... (Dahr Es-Suwan, Mont-Liban, Lebanon)
by lisa.t.kh
See the light in others and treat them as if that's all you see..... ... (Dahr El-Suwan, Mont-Liban, Lebanon)
by lisa.t.kh
Your soul that inner quiet space is yours to consult, it will always guide... (Bhannés, Mont-Liban, Lebanon)
by lisa.t.kh
The most simple things can bring the most happiness 🤗🌸.......... (Sweet Dreams)
by lisa.t.kh
kobayat spiderhome sunshine wildnature closeup details ... (Kobayat Helesban Valley القبيات وادي حلسبان)
by lebaneseby.nature
Trust is the glue of life... kobayat treeglue treesap treebark ... (Al Qubayyat, Liban-Nord, Lebanon)
by lebaneseby.nature