All I need to do to make ftayir فطاير these days is to head down to the...
September 04, 2017 by sahtein_lebanesefeasts
All I need to do to make #ftayir#فطاير these days is to head down to the local fruit and vegetables shop, buy fresh green #spinach, come home and start preparing the filling for the #pastries. Now, back in my mother's days it was not so simple. In fact, I recall my mother making ftayir during the winter season when the wild spinach, endives and any other edible leafy greens thrive after the winter's rain. A group of woman, including my mother and myself, if I was lucky, carrying cane baskets and sharp knives would set out to the fields to gather their greens for a family session of Ftayir. What amazed me the most was how did these woman know which leafy green was edible and which was not. My mother would point out to me the ones I could dig up from the ground. After a few trips with the ladies I must say I became an expert just like them.
Wishing you all a week filled with sunshine ☀️☀️
by sahtein_lebanesefeasts / Instagram