🇱🇧🇧🇷 Desde o Jardim do Perdão (Garden of Forgiveness), repleto de ruína (Downtown Beirut)
February 14, 2019 by mylebanon
🇱🇧🇧🇷 Desde o Jardim do PerdĂŁo (Garden of Forgiveness), repleto de ruĂnas de antigas civilizações, Ă© possĂvel avistar o complexo de igrejas e mesquitas que Ă© sinĂ´nimo de convivĂŞncia inter-religiosa. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
From the Garden of Forgiveness, with ruins of ancient civilizations, it's possible to see the complex of churches and mosques that is synonymous of interreligious coexistence. Via @danielamoniquemaroun.
#LĂbano_Brasil #LĂbano #Lebanon #Beirute #Beirut #DowntownBeirut #Turismo
by libano_brasil / Instagram