I know it's Monday, but brunch isn't just for the weekend! 😏😏 Good morning / afternoon! ☀️ November 14, 2016 by lebanoneats I know it's Monday, but brunch isn't just for the weekend! 😏😏 Good morning / afternoon! ☀️ . . On another note, today is World Diabetes Day!! 💙💙💙 We joined forces with @dialeb to raise diabetes awareness so here's what you need to do! - Test your blood glucose💉 - Know your number #⃣ - Keep your eyes on diabetes 👀 . #Dialebturns6 #dialeb #WDD #lebanon #lebanoneats #diabetes #worlddiabetesday #awareness #eggsbenedict #eggs #eggporn #salmon #smokedsalmon #poachedeggs #avotoast #avocado by lebanoneats / Instagram