I love my side mirrors! Not all the time of course with crazy car drivers... (Sanayeh Park) July 19, 2017 by thisislebanon79 I love my side mirrors! Not all the time of course with crazy car drivers and motorbikers coming out of nowhere. But when I run into a piece of beauty not so far, I fall in love with my side mirror:) #sidemirror #traffic #beiruttraffic #frame #bychance #coincidence #moments #instance #quicklook #whatisee #mirrorlook #likeforlook #beirut #beirutcity #inthecity #citytraffic #lebanon #whatsuplebanon #lebanoninapicture #livelovebeirut #livelovelebanon #livelovetraffic #meetlebanon #lebanonbyalocal #mycamera #super_lebanon #main_vision #click_vision by thisislebanon79 / Instagram