-I'm on a 3 diets now!-Why?-Because one is not enough! Are you, too? ... (The Beach Dubai)
April 25, 2018 by vavidani
-I'm on a 3 diets now!
-Because one is not enough! Are you, too? Are six meals really better than a traditional 3-meals-a-day diet? The exact opposite is true! No matter what you saw on TV, read in magazines, or even heard from fitness “gurus”, it’s all really just a big myth made by supplement companies and magazines. For example, you are a person, who has a daily calorie intake between 1200-2000, trying to eat 6 small meals per day, each meal would contain between 200-300 calories. That’s NOTHING. You’ll never feel full. You’ll never feel satisfied. You’ll always be hungry and eating processed snack foods. You’ll always be checking the clock waiting for the next “meal” to come.
Our stomach is functioning cyclicaly. First cycle is food digestion in stomach, second - evacuation food mass to duodenum and then period of stomach rest. Only after full cycle (2,5-4 hours) it's physiologically to have next meal. Imagine, you switch on your wash machine and each few minutes you pause it to add new clothes. Will it be technically appropriate?
When you are constantly eating, you are constantly releasing insulin, which puts your body into "absorptive phase". This means that the insulin is storing sugar in liver and muscles (glikogen or human starch) and not letting other enzymes release sugar to break down fat.
Eating a traditional Big Three (breakfast, lunch and dinner) with no snacks will provide a natural fast in between meals that will encourage fat metabolism.
by vavidani / Instagram