It’s that time of year again and the stone fruits are looking absolutely...
October 28, 2019 by sahtein_lebanesefeasts
It’s that time of year again and the stone fruits are looking absolutely scrumptious. Today I headed out to #canoelandsorchard and spent a few glorious hours there picking my own #peaches and #nectarines. I came home with a jar of Ma’s Blood Plum jam, a jar of Pa’s Macadamia infused honey and 7 kilos of peaches and nectarines. 7 kilos for “Just in case someone drops in unexpectedly”, as my Ouma used to say. “Always have more than less”, she would add. And my favourite line of hers “The more you give the more you will get in return.” Wishing you all a glorious week ahead filled with beautiful memories with your loved ones. ❤️🙏❤️
by sahtein_lebanesefeasts / Instagram