Lebanon continues to be the focus of the international community....
April 05, 2017 by ukinlebanon#Lebanon continues to be the focus of the international community.
Following the #Brussels conference and British FS Boris Johnson and International Secretary of State Priti Patel's meeting with PM Saad Hariri, British Ambassador Hugo Shorter said: "The UK has delivered on the promises made last year at the London Conference in 2016 with our support reaching hundreds of thousands of #Lebanese and #refugees. We pledged and we are now delivering. The UK continues to be one of the largest bilateral donors to Lebanon and we hope today’s new pledges in Brussels will bring further support to Lebanon, its people and the refugees until they can safely return home. As Prime Minister Hariri said in his inspirational speech: ‘an investment in Lebanon is an #investment in #peace and #stability in the entire region’." http://bit.ly/2oac1Xm
by ukinlebanon / Instagram